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Bal Thackeray |
By Ram Puniyani
The declaration of demise of Bal Thackeray (November
17, 2012) has brought the Mumbai city to a complete halt. Most of the news
channels are relaying his death procession round the clock and having
discussion about his tall stature most of the time. His grip on the city had
been more or less complete from last three decades in particular. The methods
he employed had some supporters on one side but for others it filled the people
with fear, as his followers had been openly indulging in acts of vandalism time
and over again. Today it is very difficult to say that city has come to a halt merely
out of reverence for him alone or fear factor is also there behind this closure
of the city will have to be assessed over a period of time.
As per some accounts Thackeray family had migrated
from Bihar and finally settled in Maharashtra. Bal Thackeray came to prominence
for voicing the need for jobs for ‘sons of the soil’ and with open threats to
South Indians, Gujarathis, Biharis in that order. His initial role was that of
breaking the left controlled trade unions, at the behest of the industrialists
and section of the ruling party, Congress. This action of his had led to lot of
violence between the leftist trade unions and Thackeray followers. The peak of
this was murder of the CPI trade Unionist Krishna Desai, a blow from which the
left trade unions could not recover.
He later jumped to bandwagon of Hidnutva politics,
openly supporting the Bari demolition and playing an active part in the horrific
Mumbai violence of 92-93. His writings in Saamna, the Shiv Sena mouth piece,
were very provocative and could easily come under the clause of ‘Hate Speech’
but despite that the case filed by some Mumbai citizens fell through and
Thackeray continued to spread his anti Muslim tirade through his speeches and
writings. True later Election Commission disenfranchised him for six years from
voting. After Babri demolition, someone suggested that the Shiv Sainiks were
the one who demolished it; he cleverly lapped it up and said that if Shiv
Sainiks have done it I am proud of that.
The violence which followed the demolition was probed
by Shrikishna Commission. This commission’s findings indicted the Shiv Sena
supremo. The celebration rallies were organized by Shiv Sena in Dharavi
jurisdiction amongst others. The commission pointed out “These Celebrations by
Shiv Sena had mobs which were chanting provocative slogans: Musalman Ka Do Hi Sthan: Pakistan Ya
Kabristhan (Muslims can only be in: Pakistan or Graveyard). In retaliation
Muslims shout: Jo ham se takarayega:
Mitti me mil Jayega (Those who attack us will be decimated).
To cite another example
of Thackeray’s complicity and role in violence one recalls from Shrikrishna
Commission report that ”On 1st January 1993 there was an article in Samna under
the caption’ Hindunni Akramak Vhayala
Have’,(Hindus should become aggressive now) openly inciting Hindus to
violence.” (Volume 1 page 13)
The more striking observation of the Commission
was " From the conversation which could be heard [by Yuvraj Mohite,
Mahanagar Reporter, at Thackeray house during the riots], it is clear that
Thackeray was directing Shiv Sainiks, Shakha Pramukhs and other activists of
Shiv Sena to attack the Muslims, to ensure that they give tit for tat and
ensure that 'not a single landya (a derogatory term for Muslims) would survive
to give the evidence’ [vol.ii, Page 173-174]...the communal passions of the
Hindus were aroused to a feverish pitch by the inciting writings, particularly
in Saamna and Navakal.” [Volume 1, page 21-22]. “...and violence in January
(1993) was taken over by Shiv Sena and its leaders who continued to whip up
communal frenzy by their statements and acts and writings and directives issued
by Shiv Sena Pramukh Thackeray.”
This is just a small sample of what was the role of
Thackeray and his Shiv Sena in The Mumbai violence. After the Mumbai violence
he started being called Hindu Hriday Samrat and had a total grip on the
politics of Shiv Sena. He was unfazed by the impact of his beliefs and actions.
In his famous interview to the time magazine (titled: Kick them out!) during
this time he poured vitriol on the Muslims with all abuses and hate. As Muslims
were fleeing Mumbai he said that Muslims need to be taught a lesson. If they
are fleeing Mumbai, it’s OK; else they should be kicked out.
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Shops down their shutters in Bandra. Photo: Shashi Ashiwal(Courtesy:The
He has been an opponent of Indo-Pak friendship all
through. Be it the question of Indo Pak Cricket match or the concert of
Pakistani Gazal singers, Mumbai witnessed the ‘direct action’ of Shiv Sainkis
in the form of digging the cricket ground pitch at Kotla cricket ground or
vandalizing the Gazal concert in Mumbai. Much before the coming to fore of the
terror of groups related to Sadhvi Prgya Singh Thakur or Swami Aseemanand, it
was Thackeray who had called for the formation of ‘suicide squads’ by Hindus. A
self avowed admirer of Hitler, he conceded that he appreciates Hitler and that
he himself has many traits similar to Hitler. He believed in Thokshahi (Dictatorship)
not Lokshahi (democracy).
The divisive politics of Hidutva or the identity politics
built around ‘sons of the soil’ does run parallel to his opposition to the
affirmative action and aspirations of deprived sections of society. True to
that he opposed the implementation of Mandal Commission, indicating his anti
OBC politics. He was the only one who stated it openly. The other party
thoroughly opposed to Mandal, BJP, which is opposed to affirmative action for any
weaker section of society, dodged the issue and intensified on Ram Temple issue
to bypass this affirmative action for OBCs. Similarly Thackeray has been
vehement opponent of dalit aspirations in any form. When the Maharashtra Government
published Babasaheb Ambedkar’s book, ‘Riddles of Rama and Krishna’, Shiv Sena
stood to oppose it in a serious way and there was some violence between Shiv
Sena supporters and dalits. When the issue of changing the name of Marathwada
University to Ambedkar’s name came, Thackeray opposed it strongly leading to
another bout of unrest. It is just a tragedy of our times that despite this
clear agenda of Thackeray, some dalit parties are allying with his party at
electoral level.
The massive turnout as his funeral is being read as
that he was the voice of Marathi manoos. True a section of Marathi people adore
him, but the larger section of poor peasants, the workers and dalits from
Maharashtra know that Thackeray has been no representative of their
aspirations. With so many problems nagging the poor of Maharashtra there is a
need to shift the terrain of politics away from identity politics of the likes
of Thackeray to the material issues related to bread, butter, shelter and
employment. The politics of Hindu nation and Marathi manoos is against the
values of Indian Constitution which call for the principles of Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity. How did Thackeray’s politics conform to these is a
matter of introspection.
Contents of the article rest on its author.
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