Sunday, March 13, 2011


By Shafee Ahmed Ko

Mercy killing known also as Euthanasia sounds some thing like “Asia”, but it relates to most painful and enigmatic question for the terminally ill patients, be it cancer, AIDS, accidental or traumatic coma, and innumerable incurable diseases, waiting for the end to come but the end is not so easy but quite painful:
What is the meaning of Euthanasia? It is an ancient Greek word literally to mean “Good Death”.

The children, old women and men afflicted with cancer diseases undergo enormous excruciating pain in every part of the body, bones; muscles so on and so forth. Can we describe pain? No! Nevertheless, a piece of note could be seen what actually the pain is!

“Acute pains, unpleasant,unbearable and inexplainable by words, causes pathetic emotions . For example, in a cancer patient, a sudden exacerbation of pain is a reminder of the disease, which can lead to  negative emotions. 

The quality of life, in such serious critical conditions, is bleak, caregivers stress is insurmountable, and the only prayer is that “DEATH” should embrace the patient in good grace for an eternal peaceful abode.

In such a situation, if the death is not imminent but sure, the question arises why not the patient is artificially be induced for a death, of course medically.

The borderline answer is that in God’s creation,” no person has the right to kill others, s/he, including the born or unborn”.

Mercy Killing is legally punishable and religiously a sin however worst may be the condition of the patient. In addition, doctors are afraid to openly discuss to end ones life because of legal constraints. 

In contrary to noble thoughts that life is precious whatever worst form it may lie, there is a horrific history of holocaust in “mercy killing” in Hitler’s Nazi Regime.

Hitler never wanted a single mentally or physically disabled child, woman or man, and   executed them mercilessly, in hundreds and thousands. This  operation was notoriously called as T4. He is the one who invented the word euthanasia,  used it in deliberate imprudence and there was a  child as the first victim to his horrific invention.

To study the efficacy, and need to prevent euthanasia, some authentic sources are relevant.
.” Currently there are cases of misusing of euthanasia, for example  cases where the care givers   force the patient to  consent for an artificial death.

As far as India is concerned, most mothers  have a disliking for female child. A simple scan if reveals a viable female fetus, and they are perturbed, and run for abortion, seeking illegal abortion clinics.If such clinics are remote, they end in the hands of quacks to imperil the life both of mother and unborn child.

Sensing this stupidity, every medical center bears a statuary warning that the physicians concerned will not reveal the gender in pregnancy to the patient, and the family concerned.

The Netherlands and Belgium are  the only two countries who openly legalize euthanasia according to  Alan G. Williams JD, Reviewer Physicians Medical Legal Prevention, LLC, as detailed in JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association).

Countries allowing practicing euthanasia are as under:

Non-active euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is legal in three  states in
the U.S.A




New Hampshire is currently considering a bill on assisted suicide.

Active euthanasia, commonly referred as euthanasia, is  legal in
The Netherlands, and  Belgium.

Assisted suicide is also legal in:



The question most important is, whether the too terminally ill, with the pain which cannot be described by words, should they live waiting for the death to grace, or can euthanasia be legally permitted.

In India the TV show “Doctor NDTV Opinion poll”, people  voted 67% in favor of euthanasia and 33% in disfavor. Nevertheless, majority of the countries are not in favor of euthanasia.

Can God tell us,"Wait until I send a noble call?"

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